Chinese Ceramic Study Association


vol.4 Yonaiyama Shards Ⅱ(2011)

Since the 2009 publication of Yonaiyama Shards Ⅰ, new materials collected by Yonaiyama at the Jiaotanxia site were discovered at Mayuyama Ryusendo. This new find included a large number of kiln tools as well as shards. We decided to publish this bulletin in the belief that these newly discovered materials make a valuable contribution to the study on Southern Song Guan-yao wares.


Atsushi Imai 'The Current State of the Southern Song Guan-yao'
Sarah Sato 'The Impact of the Yonaiyama Shrds on the Study of Southern Song Guan-yao'
Koji Sekiguchi 'Report on the Kiln Tools Collected by Yonaiyama at Jiaotanxia' [Summary]