On View

“Selected Masterpieces from the Tokiwayama Bunko Collection: Treasures of Calligraphy and Paintings that Decorated the Tokyo Art Club”

open date
Tokyo Art Club at Onarimon

This autumn, for three days from October 12th to 14th, the Tokyo Art Club in Onarimon will be holding an exhibition of works from the Tokiwayama Bunko collection at its special exhibition.
Founded in 1907 (Meiji 40), the Tokyo Art Club frequently held sales for former feudal lords and aristocrats during the Taisho and prewar Showa periods, and many masterpieces passed through here and ended up in art museums and private collectors both in Japan and abroad.
This time, Tokiwayama Bunko has been invited to take part in an exhibition entitled “Selected Masterpieces from the Tokiwayama Bunko Collection: Treasures of Calligraphy and Paintings that Decorated the Tokyo Art Club,” focusing on works that came to the custody of our foundation via the Tokyo Art Club.
I believe that an exhibition is about conveying the existence of a work of art to many people so that it can be passed on to future generations, but in this exhibition, in addition to allowing visitors to feel the beauty of the works, I also hope that visitors will be able to sense the fact that someone who once cherished and owned them let them go, and that even if they did let them go, someone else will come along who will cherish them, and they will let them go again, and so on, and so forth, and so that they are here now at the end of this chain of events. I would be delighted if you could come to the exhibition, and if you do, please take a look at the “provenance.”